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Home / Products List / CanNeed-RPG-100 Profile Gauge for Roll and Chuck

Profile Gauge for Roll and Chuck

Testing occasions:Online/packaging line
Detection object:Canned beer/canned beverages/canned food
Test items:Double Seam


CanNeed-RPG-100 is able to scan profiles of seaming Rolls and Chucks (or other tooling - including carbide and ceramic tools) easily and quickly. The system can be used for acceptance  testing for new seaming rolls or chucks, for quality assurance purposes and for stress analysis. Monitor tooling wear to replace rolls and chucks only when they need to be replaced.


  1. Reversing engineer tooling design
  2. Comparing designs from different manufacturers
  3. Locating duplicate roll & chuck designs - reducing inventory
  4. Cataloging rolls & chucks
  5. Acceptance testing for rolls and chucks - preventing mistakes in production!
  6. Monitoring tool wear to replace rolls and chucks only when they need to be replaced
  7. Isolating bad profile designs
  8. Comparing design with manufacturing

Technical Parameter

  • Resolution: 0.007mm, or better
  • Roll & chuck Diameter: 46 to 126mm (bigger by ordering)
  • Distance from roll bottom to groove: Up to 35mm
  • Angles: Up to 89.4 degrees
  • Range: 6 mm


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