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Home / Products List / CanNeed-CSM-207/208 Can Seam Micrometers (Fine tuning)

Can Seam Micrometers (Fine tuning)

Testing occasions:Online/packaging line
Detection object:Canned beer/canned beverages/canned food
Test items:Double Seam


CanNeed CSM series Can Seam Micrometers are use  for measuring  the seam  thickness and  length. The fine tuning function helps to avoid the deviation caused by over rotation.

CanNeed-CSM-208 is applicable to measure the seam thickness and length of flat bottom straight wall cans.  

CanNeed-CSM-207  is  applicable  to  measure  the  seam  thickness  and  length  of  aerosol  cans  and necked-in cans.

Technical Parameter

Measure range : 0 - 9.00 mm
Resolution : 0.01 mm

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