Seam-X®-On-Line Automatic Seam Scanner
non-destructive measure method to measure the seam dimension
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PET Bottle and Preform Wall Thickness Gauge

Случаи тестирования:лаборатория
Объект обнаружения:Напитки в ПЭТ-бутылках
Тестовые задания:толщина

Product use


    Thickness distribution and external dimensions will also affect normal operation in filling production line and caps’ seal integrity.
The CanNeed “PWTG-1000 PET Bottle and Preform Wall Thickness Gauge” can exactly measure the PET bottles and preform wall thickness, and the external dimensions as well.

Product advantages


● Measure both the wall thickness and bottle size
      ● Non-contact measurement
      ● Simple and quick operation
      ● Automatic measurement
      ● SPC data management and output


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