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Home / Products List / CanNeed-BLT-100 Tumbling Tester for Crown Closures

Tumbling Tester for Crown Closures

Testing occasions:laboratory
Detection object:Metal cap/crown cap/tab cap/screw cap/claw opening cap,Cosmetics/drugs/bagged food
Test items:Paint film/paint/coating


The ‘CanNeed-BLT-100 Tumbling Tester for Crown Closures" is for evaluating the abrasion resistance of caps.
Inspection methods:
1. Clean and weigh 25 pieces of caps. The weight should be accurate to 0.1mg.
2.Put the caps into the tanks of BLT-100, and tumble them for 50 mins at the speed of 20 rpm per min.
3. Take the caps out, clean the wearing film on the caps and then weigh the caps. The weight should be
accurate to 0.1mg.
4. Do the above steps for a parallel sample. Please take the average of the deviations between values
of the two groups as the abrasion values of the caps. 
Please refer to the following table for qualification range of the results:
Unit Value of Qualification Value of High Quality
One color mg ≤20 ≤18
Two colors mg ≤25 ≤22
Three colors mg ≤35 ≤28
Four colors mg ≤40 ≤33

Technical Parameter

  • Tumbling speed :20rpm
  • Time setting :1-99 minutes
  • Power supply :AC220V
  • Power :100W

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