Instruments d'inspection pour les industries de la fabrication de canettes métalliques, des brasseries et des boissons
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Page d'accueil / Liste des produits / CanNeed-CAN-5001 Série CanNeed-CAN-5001,CanNeed-CAN-5002 Mesureur en CO2 pour les boissons

Série CanNeed-CAN-5001,CanNeed-CAN-5002 Mesureur en CO2 pour les boissons

Occasions de tests:laboratoire
Objet de détection:Boissons en bouteille PET,Bière, boissons, liqueurs en bouteilles de verre,Bière en canette, boissons
Articles de test:gaz carbonique



The “CanNeed-CAN-5001, CanNeed-CAN-5002 CO2 tester and Pressure Tester” is for measuring the CO2 content in carbonated beverages filled in glass and PET bottles or cans. It is designed according to ASBC Theory of American Society of Brewing Chemists, corresponding to “GB/T 4928 – 2001 Brewing Analysis Methods” and “GB/T 10792 – 1995 Carbonated Beverage Analysis Methods”. Therefore, the machine is widely used by Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau and beverage enterprises. 
It is applicable to the bottles or cans with different sizes. After the sample is pierced, the pressure is read on the pressure gauge as soon as the equilibrium pressure is achieved. With a dial thermometer installed in the model CanNeed-CAN-5001-T, the temperature of the liquid is read at the same time. With model CanNeed-CAN-5001, the bottle or can may then be removed from the instrument to measure the temperature of the liquid with a separate thermometer. The CO2 content is determined by means of the CO2 slide rule or temperature/pressure relationship charts.

If used together with CanNeed-IAM-30 Air Meter, it can test CO2 content as well as the air content.









       Paramètres techniques


CO2: Gamme de mesure 0-4.00%v/v, (soit 0.8%w/w)
Pression: Champ de mesure 0.6Mpa, étalonnage 0.01Mpa
Température: Champ de mesure 0-50℃, étalonnage 0.1℃
Hauteur de la bouteille: CAN-5001, max.330mm
                         CAN-5002, max. 410mm
Diamètre du fond de la bouteille: CAN-5001, 100 mm au max.
                                  CAN-5002, max. 115 mm
(Peut commander un diamètre plus grand)


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