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Home / Products List / CanNeed-AHWC-100 Automatic Hot Wire Bottle Cutter

Automatic Hot Wire Bottle Cutter

Testing occasions:laboratory
Detection object:PET bottled beverages/PET bottles/preforms/plastic caps,Cosmetics/drugs/bagged food
Test items:Weight/net content


CanNeed-AHWC-100 Automatic Hot Wire Bottle Cutter offers an easy-to-use and cost-effective method for cutting containers for section weight analysis. It can cut PET bottle into several determined sections(The maximum  is up  to 5 sections). Then,  the user can check whether each section accord with  the corresponding weight standard. CanNeed-AHWC-100 can quickly cut PET bottle with hot wires. Clear profiles can be obtained without PET deformation. PET bottle samples can be 200-3000 ml.

Effective method for section weight analysis
Cut in maximum 5 predetermined sections
Precise cutting
No need to wait for heating
Energy saving
Very durable


  1. Dual mode heating system saves energy and extends the life of cutting wires
  2. Adjustable bottle finish holder accommodates a wide range of finishes without the need for special tools or change parts
  3. Adjustable supports hold bottles in place during cutting process. Precision scales permit wire positioning for accurate, repeatable sectioning
  4. Precise scale enable the cutting more accurate and repeatable 
  5. 4 wire design facilitates up to 5 section cutting
  6. Flexible design enables a quick change from one bottle to another and easy adjustment of the cutting locations according to the size and shape of the container
  7. No-tool job change enables rapid job change without the need for extra tools or accessories
  8. Optional fixtures are available for non-round containers

Technical Parameter

  • Bottle Capacity:
  • Length up to483mm
  • Diameter up to157mm
  • Finished Inner Diameter:12.7mm–53.3mm

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