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Home / Products List / CanNeed-GNG-100 “Go-no-Go” Gauge

“Go-no-Go” Gauge

Testing occasions:laboratory
Detection object:PET bottled drinks,Cosmetics/drugs/bagged food
Test items:Dimensions


CanNeed-GNG-100 “Go-no-Go” Gauge

Quality control gauges for checking the threaded tops of glass and plastic containers. It checks the threads, outside diameter, spacing, etc.
Comb. Finish Gauge 28mm-PCO-1816 PET  
Comb. Finish Gauge 28mm Pet/28-969-1716  
Comb. Finish Gauge 38mm Glss/38-1663 
Comb. Finish Gauge 38mm Pet/38-1690 
Comb. Finish Gauge 28mm Glass/28-1650RE  
Comb. Finish Gauge 28mm-PCO-1810 PET 
Comb. Finish Gauge 28BPF

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