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Home / Products List / CanNeed-ASTG-1000 Automatic Seam Thickness Gauge

Automatic Seam Thickness Gauge

Testing occasions:laboratory
Detection object:Canned beer, drinks
Test items:Double Seam


There is air leakage in some canned beverage. To measure the double seam thickness of such air-leaking cans and after 360°automatically measuring the seam, you will discover the double seam is uneven and the thickness values of some points are bigger than others. These points where the seam structures are not tight enough, would probably cause air leakage in the canned beverage.

You are advised to measure the double seam thickness 360°, and if the seam thickness is identified as uneven, immediate measure should be taken to avoid air leakage in the canned beverage.

CanNeed-ASTG-1000 Automatic Seam Thickness Gauge is featured with 360°automatic double seam thickness measurement, automatic can rotation for multi-point measurement, easy location of flawed double seam positions, high speed and high accuracy. It avoids human errors and digital readout will be shown in the touch-screen.

With RS232 output interface, the measurement result can be output instantly to the computer for SPC processing.

Optional can height measurement function mode.


  1. 360°automatic double seam thickness measurement, up to 50 test points.
  2. Automatic can rotation for multi-point measurement.
  3. Fast and correct measurement, avoiding error caused by personal operation.

Technical Parameter

  • Measure range: 0-6mm; 
  • Accuracy: 0.01mm;
  • Suitable sample: 211 can body -206/202 lid; Or any other can shape


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