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Home / Products List / CanNeed-OCTG-4000 Thickness Gauge and Wet Film Thickness

Thickness Gauge and Wet Film Thickness

Testing occasions:laboratory
Detection object:Three-piece can/spray can,Metal cap/crown cap/tab cap/screw cap/claw opening cap
Test items:Paint film/paint/coating


Measure real-time thickness of coating and welt film.Save time and improve quality
Deliver real-time results on single or dual layers
Adopt non-contact optical technology,applicable for R&D,QC,and on-line production
In solar energy,optical filming,food packaging and metal packaging industries, improve surface quality such as appearance, adhesion, corrosion resistance, wear resistance, and scratch resistance.


  1. Lower spoilage:CanNeed-CTG-4000 can fast and accurately test real-time thickness of welt film on production line. Problems and trends will be spotted earlier,reducing the quantity of bad products on line.
  2. High efficiency with optical technology.
  3. Reduce lacquer consumption:with its improved accuracies,film weight data will be precise,leading to improved control and potentially lower film weight targets.
  4. Greater product quality:accurate readings mean that coating or spray equipment will be setup and mantained more closely to the required specifications,improving the quality of,and confidence in your product.

Technical Parameter

  • Range:0.300 - 20 um
  • Resolution:   0.001 um, 1nm
  • Rear Panel: RS232C
  • Power supply: 220V/50Hz

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