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Home / Products List / CanNeed-PNR-C100 Pressure No Return Tester for Cans on Bottom

Pressure No Return Tester for Cans on Bottom

Testing occasions:laboratory
Detection object:Three-piece can/spray can
Test items:Pressure/pressure resistance


CanNeed-PNR-C100 Pressure No Return Tester for Cans on Bottom can measure the PNR value (Plastic Deformation) and the buckle value of the can bottom. During the whole pressurization process, use the micrometer to track and measure the deformation amount, generate the curve through the software and analyze the correlation between pressure and deformation amount of the can bottom.


Three testing mold:

  • PNR Testing: Well clamp the sample can, pressurize and track down the deformation amount through the micrometer, generate the curve through the software, when the “No Return Deformation” happened, PNR value obtained.
  • Buckle Testing: The buckle pressure of the can bottom, pressurize until the can bottom buckled and the maximum bearable pressure will be displayed on the display screen.
  •  Length Test Testing: Pressure testing for the preset deformation amount, to measure the pressure value that caused the preset deformation amount of the can bottom

Technical Parameter

Micrometer measure range : 0-10mm
Micrometer accuracy : ±0,01 mm, ±1digit
Micrometer units : mm
Pressure measure range : 0-10 Bar
Pressure accuracy : <±0,3% of full scale
Pressure units : bar
Data output : RS232C
Power supply : 230V/50Hz
Pneumatic source : 0.5 Mpa
Dimensions : 570 x 400 x 500 (W x D x H )

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