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Home / Products List / CanNeed-DHG-300 Digital Can Height Gauge

Digital Can Height Gauge

Testing occasions:laboratory
Detection object:PET bottled beverages/PET bottles/preforms/plastic caps,Three-piece can/spray can/coating,Glass bottles/Bottled beer/Wine/Whiskey,Cosmetics/drugs/bagged food
Test items:Dimensions


The “CanNeed-DHG-300 Digital Can Height Gauge” can be used to measure the height of beverage, food, and aerosol cans. The gauges can be connected to a computer or SPC system via the adapter and cable.

Technical Parameter

  • CanNeed-DHG-300, 0-300mm
  • CanNeed-DHG-500, 0-500mm
  • Resolution : 0.01 mm
  • Accuracy : 0.02 mm

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