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Home / Products List / CanNeed-CLT-300 Leak Tester for can

Leak Tester for can

Testing occasions:laboratory
Detection object:Three-piece can/spray can
Test items:Tightness/Leakage


The “CanNeed-CLT-300 Leak Tester for can “ is used for checking the leakage of 3-piece cans in a water bath. It can test three cans in each test.

Testing method: Place the sample cans to the platen, the cans will be fixed by the magnet disc plate, clamp the cans to seal the top, then submerge the cans into water and apply pressure to the cans. 

Observer the can body to see whether there are bubbles come out, if bubbles come out from the can body constantly, that means the sample cans leak. 

During the testing, operator is able to turn the samples over for easy observing the can top, can bottom, can body and welding line. 

The test procedure is performed semi-automatically and the tester is suitable for different sizes of round 3-piece cans.


  1. Clamping independent from can diameter
  2. Simple operation
  3. End and side seams visible

Technical Parameter

  • Max. Working pressure : 0.4 Mpa (4 bar)
  • Max. can diameter : 130 mm (bigger by order)
  • Max. can height : 300mm (higher by order)
  • Bath dimensions : 1500 x 600 x 500 mm (W x D x H)
  • Dimensions : 1500 x 800 x 800 mm(W x D x H)
  • Weight : 200 kg

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