Statistics As of 2025 year 2 month7 day, Located (Shinan Qu), postcode: 370202(SNQ) canning, beverage, beer, food, packaging customers. They used products of canneed: Metal Cap/Crown Cap/Tab Cap/Screw Cap/Claw Opening Cap[] CanNeed-PNR-E200 Pressure No Return Tester for Ends, in the Processing of useing products, Performance of the product quality : <p class="" style="color:#666666;font-family:-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, &quot;font-size:14.4px;text-align:center;background-color:#FFFFFF;"> <span style="color:#000000;">The CanNeed-PNR-E200 Pressure No Return Tester for Ends can measure the PNR value (Plastic Deformation) and the buckle value of the ends. During the whole pressurization process, use the micrometer to track and measure the deformation amount, generate the curve through the software and analyze the correlation between pressure and deformation amount of the ends.</span> </p> Give enterprises great benefits.
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Product Classification : Canned Beer/Drinks
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Seam-X-On-Line-T Full Automatic Seam Scanner (Non-destructive & Automatic sampling)

Seam-X®-On-Line Automatic Seam Scanner adopts non-destructive measure method to measure the seam dimension. It is applicable to be installed by pass the production line, taking the samples and measuring them.
Measure Items: Seam Length, Body Hook, End Hook, Overlap, %Overlap, Seam Gap, %Body Hook Butting, and %End Hook Butting.
It’s applicable to measure cans of various materials. Combination of can body and the end can be following: (1) Aluminum & Aluminum; (2) Tin & Tin.
Seam-X®-On-Line can work together with the seam thickness gauge and countersink gauge, to make up a complete measure system for the double seam.
If configured with identification sampling system, it can make the result of every can correspond to the related seamer head.

CanNeed-AS-400d Digital Auto Shaker Beverage CO2 Calculator
CanNeed-AS-400D Auto Shaker CO2 Calculator is used to measure the CO2 content of brewery or carbonated beverage, which is suitable for canned or bottled samples of various size. It’s a reliable and ideal CO2 calculator.
With reference to method of ASBC American Society of Brewing Chemists, CanNeed-AS-400D auto shaker CO2 calculator is designed and complied with national standards GB/T 4928-2001 Method for Analysis of Beer and GB/T 10792-1995 Carbonated Soft Drinks (Soda). It is well adopted by many brewery enterprises, beverage enterprises and quality & technical supervision institutions.

CanNeed-TPO-100 Automatic Beverage Total Package Oxygen Analyzer

CanNeed-TPO-100 Total Package Oxygen Analyzer adopts the world’s most leading optical sensor, which is quick and exact in sensing and responding, and requires only a few samples to finish the test. It is also featured with personalized design, push button startup, automatic puncturing and auto measuring.

Push button startup, directly displaying the total content of O2 and CO2 in the LCD screen, clear display of test data of the dissolved O2, bottle neck space and CO2 content. No need of complicated calculation.

CanNeed-PDO-100 Portable Dissolved Oxygen Meter
CanNeed-PDO-100 is designed for at-line and laboratory use in small and midsize breweries as well as in the beverage industry to provide excellent reliability in a rugged design, and purpose built to handle the environmental extremes encountered in everyday brewing operations.
Superior performance at an affordable price is achieved using the best in class optical DO sensor with built-in intelligence, making PDO-100 the brewer’s best friend.

CanNeed-PU-2000 Pasteurization Temperature Monitor (PU Monitor)
The CanNeed-PU-2000 can be used to measure the temperature while the beer is in the pasteurization process bottles or cans, calculate the PU units (PU value), and the temperature curve can be shown by computer display or printed via a printer.
It is made of stainless steel, equipped with the waterproof design and the capacitance induction button in order to make a simple operation, easy maintenance and ensured the low maintenance workload.

CanNeed-ATT-Line-1000 Automatic Torque Tester (Automatic Sampling)

Bottle packaging is one of the common packaging forms of food, beverage and drugs. The torque value of opening and closing is one of the key controlling parameters on production line or offline. The appropriate torque value has a great influence on the transportation and final consumption of the products. It is one of the key product indicators which needs to be controlled by enterprises.

CanNeed-ATT-Line-1000 Automatic Torque Tester is the ideal instrument to do this test. It can be placed maximum 12 samples, then automatically sampling by conveyor belt. The sample will be measured automatically once arrived at the measurement station and avoid the influence of human factors.

SeamSight®-VSM-6C Automatic Seam Monitor
SeamSight-VSM-6C Automatic Seam Monitor is a compact measuring system for quick and accurate automatically seam measurements,  it  has  adopted  the  advanced  optical  system  and Golden LensTM video capture device, which ensured the high image definition and the measurement accuracy.  
SeamSight-VSM-6C  Automatic Seam Monitor  is  equipped with  the  professional  seam measuring software CanNeed-CND_VSM3.0. With  the CanNeed SPC data  collection  system,  the data of actual seam thickness, actual countersink, etc., can be transferred to the computer automatically.

CanNeed-CMT-400 Mobility / Lubricity Tester for Cans (Digital)
CanNeed-CMT-400 Mobility / Lubricity Tester for Cans is for measuring the coefficient of sliding friction of can body and bottom. It can also measure the coefficient of sliding friction of blanks. 

CanNeed-SCG-110 Seamer clearance Gauge and Seam Monitor

CanNeed-SCG-110 Clearance gauge, is a quick and accurate way to set up seamers. To measure the roll height off the chuck and the lateral distance between the roll and chuck.

The Clearance Gauge takes a completely different approach to the problem. To measure the roll height off the chuck and the lateral distance between the roll and chuck.

The Clearance Gauge allows users to do predictive maintenance on their seamers before they go out of specifications. The clearance gauge is able to not only quickly and accurately set up the seamer, but makes sure that all the seamer heads are performing perfectly as near as possible to the nominal value.
Instead of focusing on checking seams after the double seam is already closed, the Clearance Gauge helps optimize the can seaming process by taking out variations between the different seamer heads and optimizing the seamer itself!

Today, covering most seamer models, these seamers show a clear and dramatic performance improvements by using this gauge.

CanNeed-BCT-100 CO2 Tester and Pressure Tester
CanNeed-BCT-100 CO2 tester and Pressure Tester is for measuring the CO2 content in carbonated beverages filled in glass and PET bottles or cans. It is designed according to ASBC Theory of American Society of Brewing Chemists, corresponding to GB/T 4928 – 2001 Brewing Analysis Methods” and GB/T 10792 – 1995 Carbonated Beverage Analysis Methods. Therefore, the machine is widely used by Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau and beverage enterprises.  

CanNeed-AS-100 AutoShaker Beverage CO2 Calculator
The “AS-100 AutoShaker Beverage CO2 Calculator” is a patented instrument which is for calculating the carbon dioxide content in the filled beverage in glass/PET bottles and cans. The simple operation which guarantees high reproducibility has led to its becoming a significant element of Quality Assurance in the drinks industry.

CanNeed-ATPO-1000 Automatic Beverage Total Package Oxygen Analyzer

VSM 6A+ Automatic Seam Monitor
The VSM 6A+ Automatic Seam Monitor is a compact measuring system for quick and accurate
automatically seam measurements, it has adopted the advanced optical system and Golden LensTM video capture device, which ensured the high image definition and the measurement accuracy.
The VSM 6A+ Automatic Seam Monitor is equipped with the professional seam measuring software CanNeed CND_VSM3.0. With the CanNeed SPC data collection system, the data of actual seam thickness, actual countersink, etc., can be transferred to the computer automatically.

A-SeamSight-1000 Automatic Seam Monitor(Automatic Cutting and Measurement)
“A-SeamSight-1000 Automatic Seam Monitor(Automatic Cutting and Measurement)” is used to measure the seam quality of cans.

Automatic Seam Monitor(Automatic Cutting and Measurement)Equipped with Golden Lens® video capture device which interference-free of external light source and ensured the high image definition.

CanNeed-MDER-C2 Multi-station Digital Enamel Rater for Cans
CanNeed-MDER-C2 is used to measure the coverage, the compactness and the electric current value of the enamel coating inside the food and beverage cans. The contents will erode the metallic material and affect the quality and storage of products if the enamel coating inside the cans is not integrated. The machine adopted semi-automatic technology, more efficient and more effectively reducing the human errors. CanNeed-MDER-C2 is the standard of can making industry.

CanNeed-ADER-C3100 Automatic Digital Enamel Rater for Cans
CanNeed-ADER-C3100  is a fully automatic digital enamel rater with unattended operation. It’s is used to measure the coverage, the compactness and the electric current value of the enamel coating inside the beverage cans. The contents will erode the metallic material and affect the quality and storage of products if the enamel coating inside the cans is not integrated. The machine adopted fully automaticinspecting technology, more efficient and more effectively reducing the human errors. It is the standard for evaluating can quality in can-making industry.

CanNeed-Inpack-3000 CO2 Tester and Pressure Tester

The “CanNeed-Inpack 3000 CO2 Tester and Pressure Tester” is used to measure the CO2 content in carbonated beverages filled in glass and PET bottles and cans. It is corresponding to “GB/T 4928 – 2001 Brewing Analysis Methods” and “GB/T 10792 – 1995 Carbonated Beverage Analysis Methods”. Therefore, the machine is widely used by Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau and beverage enterprises.

CanNeed-Inpack 3000 can measure the total pressure in brewery or beverage. Applied with temperature measurement, the CO2 content is determined by means of the CO2 slide rule or temperature/pressure relationship charts. It is applicable to the bottles or cans with different sizes.

CanNeed-BCC-7001 Digital Beverage CO2 Calculator
CanNeed-BCC-7001 Digital Beverage CO2 Calculator is for measuring the CO2 content of the glass bottled, canned or PET bottled beer and other carbonated beverage. The operation is simple, when the measurement is carrying on, the BCC-7001 will calculate the CO2 automatically.
After the pierce head punctured into the container, users shake the device together with the sample by hand, then start the device, it will automatically calculate the temperature and pressure, and the result will be displayed on the screen.
CanNeed-BCC-7001 Digital Beverage CO2 Calculator is applicable for different size of glass bottle, can and PET bottle.
If combine the IAM Air Meter for measuring, it would be able to measure the bottle neck air and total air content at the same time when measuring the CO2 Content.

CanNeed-CSG-200S Countersink Gauge (with data output button)
The  “CanNeed-CSG-200 Countersink Gauge  (digital)”  is  a Digital  gauge  for measuring  Countersink depth parameters (the depth of beader of can). 

SeamSight®-VSM-6D Automatic Seam Monitor
SeamSight-VSM-6D Automatic Seam Monitor uses the CanNeed SPC data collection system, The actual seam thickness, actual countersink, etc., can be transferred to the computer automatically.
The software also adopted the data base management system, all the measurement data will be restored in the system data base, so that to enhance the software performance and more convenience in data management. The result statistic and result chart has been added in the data base screen for overview and comparison. Meanwhile, the measurement screen has been optimized for a vivid result display.

CanNeed-OCTG-2000 Coating Thickness Gauge
CanNeed-OCTG-2000  Coating Thickness Gauge is used to measure the coating thickness in real time, save time and improve the quality of the product. Non-contact optical measurement technology is applied to product development, laboratory quality control and online production control. In the solar energy industry, optical coating industry, food packaging,as well metal packaging, are very good choice to improve the surface quality of products: appearance, adhesion, corrosion resistance, abrasion resistance, scratch resistance.

CanNeed-AS-200d Digital AutoShaker Beverage CO2 Calculator
The  "AS-200d Digital AutoShaker Beverage CO2 Calculator"  is a patented instrument which is for calculating the carbon dioxide content in the filled drink in glass/PET bottles and cans. The simple operation which guarantees high reproducibility has led to its becoming a significant element of Quality Assurance in the drinks industry.

CanNeed-L-100 CO2 Purity Tester
The “CanNeed-L-100 CO2 Purity Tester” adopts Alkali Absorption Method to measure the purity of CO2. It is widely used in gas monitoring station and brewery plants. CanNeed-L-100 is a CO2 purity tester with the highest accuracy of the world. Accuracy: 0.001%.

SeamSight®-VSM-6A Automatic Seam Monitor

SeamSight-VSM-6A Automatic Seam Monitor is a compact measuring system for quick and accurate automatically seam measurements, it has adopted the advanced optical system and Golden LensTM video capture device, which ensured the high image definition and the measurement accuracy.

SeamSight-VSM-6A Automatic Seam Monitor is equipped with the professional seam measuring software CanNeed CND_VSM3.0. With the CanNeed SPC data collection system, the data of actual seam thickness, actual countersink, etc., can be transferred to the computer automatically.

VST-200 Vacumn And Seal Tester For Claw Twist Cap
VST-200 Vacumn And Seal Tester For Claw Twist Cap has the following two roles:
1. Measure the response of the Vacuum Safety Button on the twist cap to the stree. Vacuum to which pressure value, the safety button will inhale. And release to which pressure value, it will recover.
2. Measure the tightness and the pressure resistance.

CanNeed-AS-300d Auto Shaker CO2 Calculator
CanNeed-AS-300d Auto Shaker CO2 Calculator is used to measure the CO2 content of brewery or carbonated beverage, which is suitable for canned or bottled samples of various size. It’s a reliable and ideal CO2 calculator.

DSST-100 Digital Secure Seal Tester
The “Canneed DSST-100 Digital Secure Seal Tester “is used to test seal integrity on the glass or plastic   containers and cans. The DSST-100 has been designed to address the special needs of sealing cans and bottles that use aluminum roll-on, twist crowns, or plastic caps. The DSST-100 operates with compressed air, nitrogen, or carbon dioxide. By detecting gas leakage, rather than liquid, the Secure Seal Tester gives more sensitive, accurate readings.

HDM-100 Height Dimension Measure Desk For Claw Twist Cap
HDM-100 Height Dimension Measure Desk For Claw Twist Cap is developed based on long-term
pratical experience. It is applied to measure the height dimensions of the claw twist cap: cover, claws, glue thickness, groove depth and projecting ear.

Seam-X-line X-Ray Automatic Seam Scanner (Non-destructive)
Seam-X®-Line Automatic Seam Scanner adopts non-destructive measurement method to measure the seam quality,  suitable  for  measuring the aluminium cans, steel cans , aluminium-iron composite cans and etc.  If configured with the conveyor, it can achieve automatic sampling from the production line. It's applicable for laboratory or producing department.

CAN-F-125 Pasteurization Temperature Monitor

CanNeed-CAN-F-125 Sterilization Temperature Monitor (F0 Value Monitor) has been chosen by many
beverage and canned food factories.

Applicable to different kinds of sterilization equipments and different place that require temperature monitoring: sterilization kettle (autoclave), Spray sterilization machine, Water sink sterilization machine, warehouse, transportation vehicles, etc.

Applicable to different kinds of products: canned food, beverage, beer, pouch food, jelly, etc.
Applicable to different kinds of packaging: metal cans, glass or PET bottles, pouches, plastic boxes, etc.

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